Yours racially
I have altogether too many thoughts on the current spotlight on race to be coherent and comprehensive at the moment, so I’m going to be adding a bunch of stuff here as a sort of ‘contents’ page as they’re published, including previously published articles on diversity and cultural appropriation.
Here are some articles and essays you can read by other people in the meantime:
9 tips teachers can use when talking about racism
By Leticia Anderson, Kathomi Gatwiri, Lynette Riley and Marcelle Townsend-Cross
A White Damsel Leveraged Racial Power and Failed
By Ruby Hamad
Deflecting from the real issues of Black Lives Matter
By Osman Faruqi
Diversity in Australian film and TV: ‘I am limited to being a token’
By Ahmed Yussuf
Ex-Cop Brandon Tatum’s Success Doesn’t Disprove White Privilege
By Alex Kasprak
‘I knew that Jonah was me’
By Garry Maddox
Our Media Had A Chance To Fix Its Race Problem. It Blew It.
By Osman Faruqi
‘There are no more excuses’: six industry insiders on Australian TV’s problem with race
By Steph Harmon
They Pretend To Be Us While Pretending We Don’t Exist
By Jenny Zhang
This is not a critique. This is a condemnation.
By Likhain
Today’s standards
By Luke Pearson
Why I can’t hold space for you anymore
By Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures
Why so many black deaths in custody and so little justice?
By Joshua Creamer
A well-meaning cat.
— Megan Nicole Dong (@sketchshark) January 7, 2017
It’s Shit to Be White [$]
By Michael Mohammed Ahmad
So White. So What.
By Alison Whittaker
Stewed Awakening
By Navneet Alang
The Great White Social Justice Novel
By Sujatha Fernandes

Image credit: The Martin Luther King mural in Newtown by Hpeterswald