5-question film review: Bit

Why did you go see this film?
I’m a big fan of the Mardi Gras Film Festival and a schlocky queer B-grade vampire flick was a perfect start to the festival.
What was the best thing about it?
I loved lead vampire Duke but I must confess that as a massive, unironic fan of Boney M I gotta give this to the ‘Rasputin’ disco Vlad sequence which was so deliciously hilarious I am devastated I cannot find a clip of it anywhere.
What was the worst thing about it?
I have a feeling the final cut of the movie deviated from the original premise because there are a few unnecessary threads, e.g. the best friend character, and the synopsis says the main character is transgender, which may well be the case but is never explored.
Who would you recommend go see it?
If you like lesbian vampires, B-grade tropes and edible hearts, this one is for you.
If this film was a food, what would it be?
Hmm, maybe bloody heart of a male comedian.