5-question film review: Jumanji The Next Level

Why did you go see this film?
Saw Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and thought it was good fun. Also, my movie buddy loves The Rock. This is the same movie buddy who loves Colin Farrell.
What was the best thing about it?
Awkwafina does Danny de Vito, followed by Fridge’s reaction to cake.
What was the worst thing about it?
The amount of comedy eked from the body swapping gets a little tired after a while.
Who would you recommend go see it?
If you want some light fare with absolutely no nuance that features Karen Gillan pulling some funky moves then this is your movie.
If this film was a car, what would it be?
It’s the dune buggy you made from a golf cart that you’re going to zip around in for a short while until something better comes along.