5-question film review: The Gentlemen

Why did you go see this film?
Have enjoyed Guy Ritchie’s other ‘gangster’ work. I don’t mind violent films that are comedy-leaning. Plus my bestest movie buddy loves Colin Farrell so we had to see it together.
What was the best thing about it?
Complex plot layers and interesting structure. Hugh Grant having the time of his life. Any scenes with younger characters (Colin Farrell’s milkbar scene, The Toddlers, the Aslan incident with the phones).
What was the worst thing about it?
The casual racism was not casual at all.
Who would you recommend go see it?
If you’ve enjoyed Guy Ritchie’s other work or other types of stylised, slightly ridiculous action comedy (plus you can put aside its sometimes grating racism), you should enjoy this.
If this film was an item of stationery, what would it be?
Stapler. It is kind of ridiculously complex for what is essentially a device that enables you to hold things together.